Sunday, 27 March 2011

Silent Sunday - it looks like the boy is home...


  1. Hmm if its a silent Sunday, sounds like the boy's gone out again...

  2. Not for long. Apparently he's "too knackered" to do much, so it's lounging around watching the TV for a while to recuperate from his "hard life" mat Uni....!

  3. Has he done his washing yet??

  4. Libby - don't even speak to me. Most of this stuff lingered in the hall for days,humming (there is a large quantity of mucky sports kit involved). Eventually some of it made it way to the washing machine which promptly broke down. This was all the excuse he needed to leave the rest of it where it was, declaring that "there's clean and dirty stuff in that bag together..." As his sister would say, "like, eeewwwww..."!

  5. Aaah, you must really miss him when he goes away. Where did he go to in the end? I remember you blogging about his UCAS nightmares x

  6. Actually, we saw quite a lot of him in the first term so it hardly felt any different. this term, visits have been more sporadic and his we have al missed him. Of course, the bickering with his sister began within 3 hours of arriving home. Plus ca change and all that....!

  7. Is that all he brought back? Do you think it will be better or worse with a girl - big one is gearing up to go off to Uni in the next year or so and I'm wondering if I need to start saving now for a new washing machine LOL

  8. Taz - kind of depends how far away she goes. I think girls are generally cleaner and more pernickety - boys are too lazy to do anything but the bare minimum. Of course, the day after he brought that lot home the washing machine broke down :(

  9. Oh no! Well with all his free time he can sit in the local laundrette watching it go round and round ;)


Oh go on - say something for God's sake...